Search engine optimization (SEO) is an art, not science. That’s it. No arguments whatsoever. Webmasters all wish that it is as simple as science. As long as you do this and follow that, results will be consistent and guaranteed – that is science.
On the contrary, SEO is an art. And art is different in the eyes of those who appreciate it. How you interpret it, how you view it will be different. You cannot apply the same colors and strokes all the time and call it a masterpiece. Instead, you have to use a different technique with a different color scheme for each piece.
The same goes for SEO as each website is not made equally. Each website caters to a different audience and thus serves a different purpose. Each website should be treated as a unique person, with his/her own needs and demands. Meeting those demands also require a different set of actions and initiatives.
Let’s talk about A.R.T
Digital marketing agencies in Malaysia have been trying to crack the Google code for many years now. Regardless of how algorithms evolve and change, it always falls back to the same thing – to deliver the most accurate, relevant and up-to-date information.
Let’s go back to the basics. The function of search engines is to provide users with relevant answers to their questions. Whether you are looking for the cheapest hotel or the best hipster café available in your area, you just have to type in the right query. This is why today we are talking about A.R.T, which stands for authority, relevance and trust.
SEO is not just about making your website rank higher. This is the most commonly adopted approach used by many SEO agencies and so-called “experts” in Malaysia. Instead, it should be about making your website more useful and meet the demands of users.
A for Authority
Search engines have truly become one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Back in the days, when you want to search for information on microbiology, you would either have to: A. get a book from the library, B. ask your teacher, or C. ask someone who is an expert in the field.
Have you noticed the common element for the 3 choices above? All 3 of them are either authoritative, relevant or trusted sources of information. Fast forward today, any information can be easily obtained simply by entering the relevant search query on Google.
Being able to rank on top results is a vote of confidence given to you. And how do they determine if you are worthy of their vote? Google takes into account the structure of your website, its reputation, history and content. If you can provide answers to users’ queries and be the best at it, then you will definitely be ranked on top.
However, with great authority comes great responsibility. Being on the top, you are expected to provide top quality answers at all times. Hence, you are also obliged to keep your content and website updated to avoid the drop.
R for Relevance
Google makes money, and they make a lot of it. The main reason why is that they are currently the undisputed king of search engines. Just like any other business, Google would love to keep the money coming. This means that Google will want to be at the top of its game, giving
users the best and most relevant answers.
Google runs on an algorithm designed to pull out the most relevant answers to users’ searches. How it determines the relevancy of your website basically falls to one simple thing – content. Content always is, and will always be king.
Take this, for example, you spam your website full of keywords related to a certain question. When users click on your site, they are genuinely trying to look for a relevant answer. When your site cannot provide it, they leave. When this incident is repeated a lot of times, it sends
a pretty bad signal to Google about the relevancy of your website.
This is why the fundamental block of good SEO is to have good content. Webmasters and business owners should think about providing answers to questions that their customers may have. If your content does not relate to the keywords or product, your relevance score will definitely plummet.
T for trust
As cliché as this may sound, trust is something that is hard to gain but easily lost. But what makes a website trusted in the first place?
Google does not know webmasters personally. What search engines can do is to simply read the status and history of your website. Whether you update your site frequently, whether you have high Domain Authority, or whether your website was ever reported in the past. All of these and more are going to help in building trust.
More importantly, it is also about the links that you have. If many authoritative websites are giving links to you, it is a good sign to Google that your website is trusted. Just like human
relationships, you are more likely to trust a person if the Mayor or CEO personally endorses him/her.
Building these trusted “endorsements” is not easy though. You need to prove to other webmasters that your website and its content is worthy of that coveted vote of confidence.
What does this mean for my SEO campaign?
A good SEO campaign always falls back to A.R.T. If your website can fulfill these requirements, your website will perform well. As we mentioned above, content is the basis for a good website.
Google’s algorithm is now prioritizing quality content. The way webmasters approach content writing should not be about stuffing in as many keywords as possible. Instead, write to connect with people. Write to provide answers and solutions. This way, your content will earn links and
referrals naturally.
Running an SEO campaign on your own is not easy, and running it blindly is even harder. This is exactly why there are so many digital marketing agencies in Malaysia that offer SEO services. At LOCUS-T, we have been in the SEO business for more than 20 years.
Click here to get in touch with our Digital Marketing sales consultants today. Let us help you manage your campaign.