How To Resolve The Most Overlooked SEO Issues

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Growing your business and online presence can be a challenge if Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has not been implemented. As daunting as it may sound, SEO is actually not too multi-faceted and complicated especially when there are many SEO agencies in Malaysia that can fully assist in this particular area.

Whether you are just only kicking off your SEO engines and simply hoping to avoid many common pitfalls or haven’t been witnessing the expected results, below are some of the most overlooked SEO issues and how you can resolve it.

A problem that normally occurs with SEO is when the exact same keyword is targetted on multiple pages or posts on your website. Even though technically you are able to rank a keyword twice in the same Search Engine Results Page (SERP) but you are more likely to do damage to your SEO efforts rather than helping them. So when the same keyword is directly competing on two or more of your website’s pages, it will cause keyword cannibalisation in a way when you should be competing against your competitors, not with your own self.

With the help of any SEO agencies in Malaysia, they can assure you this problem will not occur with the use of Google Search Console as they de-optimise the unnecessary ones as much as possible. Amending the titles, headings and content to make it has its own uniqueness is also a bonus before re-optimising the page for new keywords.

Another problem that may be overlooked is when anchor texts are over-optimised. As we all know, anchor texts are clickable and is one of the many ranking factors Google and the likes of it take into account when determining what your website is all about. A penalty can be given if you have included one too many backlinks with the exact same target keywords, making it the opposite to the effect you are hoping for. Therefore, always ensure that a variety of anchor text types are used instead.

Page speed problems can also occur on your website and this can badly affect your SERP ranking as Google has confirmed their consideration towards page speed as a ranking factor to providing users with a better experience. With each millisecond playing an important role, your website’s bounce rate will then be affected. Furthermore, there are more mobile users now and making sure your website is mobile-friendly is more important than ever!

Choosing the right hosting provider and server is one of the few solutions to resolve page speed problems as you will be able to reap more benefits with the faster response time. Disposing of any unused plugins and themes as well as optimising your images by ensuring it is no more than 100kb and in .jpeg format will also help fix the page speed issues.

And if the going gets too tough for you to handle, just contact LOCUS-T or any other established SEO companies in Malaysia to get your website ranking to its best as soon as possible.