SEO + Web Case Study: How To Achieve 92.62% Sales Conversion

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Problems Arise  

NCS Science which has been manufacturing health supplements and beauty products for over 10 years in Malaysia has come across the following issues in their business:

  • The website was not aligned with corporate identity (theme & color).
  • The website was not mobile-friendly.
  • Bad user experience in terms of filling out the enquiry form on the website.


a beauty product manufacturing factory
NSC Science is located in Taman Perindustrian Tasik Perdana, Puchong.


Put On Our Thinking Caps 

Through listening attentively to the client’s issues on their website, our sales consultants proposed a plan for their website to be revamped and to develop Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in their website as well to resolve the concerns they had completely.

It is understandable that the client only needed a revamp on their website, but our sales consultants looked further and beyond as if they were the business owners of NCS Science and found themselves thinking, “A good website without traffic is bad for the business.” Hence, both SEO and web revamp had their respective important roles to play for NCS Science.

Website Revamp 

  • To achieve a good user experience



  • To bring in organic traffic
  • To increase web visibility
a banner on telling why website need to include SEO
Reasons why do your business need SEO + Web

Hard Work Pays Off

As a result, our client was overwhelmed with a lot of positive outcomes for their businesses in this digital marketing project.

Website Revamp

  • Mobile-friendliness of the website is achieved.
  • The website is aligned with the corporate’s branding.
  • Good user experience in filling out the enquiry form.


  • Achieved 92.62% sales conversion from organic traffic.
  • Achieved web visibility with 21 keywords ranked on the 1st page.

In the end, we not only served our client in the technical part of digital marketing, but the business part of our digital marketing plan also worked successfully for our client as their business skyrocketed. Just take a look at what our client had to say!

testimonial given by a client
Testimonial given by our client from NCS Science

Want to get high sales conversion as our client? Contact us now to get your SEO and website started!