Alert on Scam Involving LOCUS-T’s Name

Content Indexing

LOCUS-T is aware of messages from Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp that claims to be LOCUS-T, offering full-time or part-time jobs to graduates.
We do not send any messages from platforms and contact numbers as shown below:
  • Facebook Messenger (named Career Development)
  • Facebook Page (named Hire for the Day or Empty Palace)
  • WhatsApp numbers (+6011-1165 4153 or +6011-1174 0265 or +6014-746 6243 or +6014 228 7115 or +6011 3979 0376 or +6017-514 9268 or +6011-1130 8689 or +6011-1135 3655 or +6011-6390 8988)
  • WhatsApp group (named 315 PartTimerAssignment-G or 2️⃣3️⃣Part-time group)
which says
“Full time / Part-time
Help to complete tasks from home
Flexible working time
Daily RM200-RM400
21 year old above
No experience needed
If you are interested kindly Whatsapp us”
“We are Locus-T Digital Marketing Agency, which cooperate with PGMall to help small e-commerce merchant to boost their purchase rates and exposure rate in PG Mall . Daily income can be minimum MYR150-MYR200 daily. The work content is very simple. You will complete the goods designated by the merchant on time and increase the popularity of the goods. You will be able to get the commission from the merchant! The commission for each task is between “MYR 14.90 to MYR 19.37″. Our company will settle your salary every time you complete it, and the merchant must not delay your salary.”
The link directs to a Whatsapp group (named 315 PartTimerAssignment-G) and introduces themselves from LOCUS-T team who are looking for part-timers to complete tasks to help merchants store to improve review rate and sales on Amazon, Shopee, or Lazada.
The link directs to a Whatsapp group (named 2️⃣3️⃣Part-time group) and introduces themselves from LOCUS-T team who are looking for part-timers to complete tasks and get money refunded on PG Mall.
“Payment Details
Yes dear, items added are correct
Name :Afindi Bin Othman
Bank :CIMB
Acc No :7639124558
This is merchant’s bank account. Please pay accordingly to the original price of item. After payment successful kindly attach your bank receipt to me, we will proceed rebate commission within 10-15 minutes commission within 10-15 minutes.”
We advise the public to ignore such messages or anything that is similar. This is to protect everyone from becoming victims of the scam. We will never give out full-time or part-time job offers via SMS, social media, or any messaging app.
Kindly contact us at +603 7947 3333 to report or enquire about suspicious text messages, emails or instant messages received that are related to LOCUS-T. Always be cautious to avoid becoming a victim.
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