3 Reasons Why Your Facebook Ads Are Not Working

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3 Reasons Why Your Facebook Ads Are Not Working

Ever wondered why your Facebook ads are not generating leads, engagement, and traffic for you? The content below can explain the possible issues you’re facing with your Facebook advertising strategy.


3 Reasons Why Your Facebook Ads Are Not Working

1️⃣Wrong bidding option 

✔️Overall spending budget too low

✔️Not setting a minimum and maximum cap for automatic bidding

✔️Putting the wrong bidding among for manual bidding

Avoid making this simple mistake when running Facebook ads in your next campaign.


2️⃣Ads creative

✔️Having images or visuals that are not eye-catching

✔️Message that doesn’t describe the customer’s pain points

✔️Without Unique Selling Point that stands out from competitors

Eucogen FB ads


3️⃣Poor audience targeting

✔️Target audience is too small or too big

✔️Targeting the wrong audience who is not interested in your ads

✔️Attracting ‘curiosity clicks’ who click but do not convert

fb audience targeting


Need help tackling these issues? Or maybe you’d prefer our marketing team to handle your Facebook Ads for you? Contact us by dropping us your details and we’ll be right with you as soon as we can.



Established in 2000, LOCUS-T is a leading customer-driven digital marketing agency with partnerships with Google, Meta and TikTok, specialising in SEO and website services. With over 24 years of experience and a proven track record of success, Together, LOCUS-T is dedicated to a future where businesses thrive in the digital age through trustworthy strategies and innovative solutions.